1. Main Issues

2. Useful Information

2.1 Family Group

It belongs to the cucurbit family of vegetable crops and is a highly nutritious crop. It is the same family as pumpkins, cucumbers, baby marrow, squash fruit.

2.2 Optimal growth conditions

2.3 Fertilizer application

Apply 10-15tons /ha manure of well rotted compost a month before planting or apply 600kg /ha of Compound D and top dress with 100kg AN /ha after the first fruits have formed.

2.4 Planting 

Can be planted from April to August and late July to November at high altitudes. Winter production is only possible in low lying areas and this can be between April and August. Seed requirement is 2.5-3.5kg/ha. Plant in basins/hills or in furrows. Basins should have a diameter of 600-1200mm with a higher centre. Spacing recommended is 3.0mx2.0m

2.5 Disease and Pest Control

The crop can be attacked by the following diseases and pests.




AnthracnoseBlack angular spots appear on the leaves with black streaks on stems and leaf stalks.


Sunken lesions on the fruit producing spore masses under moist conditions

Favoured Conditions

Common and severe during the rainy season


Spray control can be affected with Maneb, Mancozeb and chlothalonil, Zineb.



Powdery Mildew


White mealy blotches on leaf surfacesWarm and humid


Spraying with at weekly intervals during susceptible periods with carbendazim or benomyl. Sulphur should not be used.



Downey Mildew


Circular to rectangular small brown spots surrounded by a yellow halo appear on the leaves. The spots are biscuit brown on the underside of the leaves or covered with a fungus and appear scattered. Under serious condition the leaf dies from the edges inward resembling frost damage.Warm and humid


Control can be done using Sulphur Mancozeb or Zineb. If done during the early stages of the disease they will provide adequate control.





Leaves show dark green to light green mosaic with a blistered surface. Under severe cases the plants remain stunted and do not bear fruit and leaves will be malformed and curled.Warm and humid


Aphid control is importance in curbing the spread.

Remove and destroy all infected plants.

Avoid smoking and any contact with tobacco products.

Common Pests



Pumpkin fly

Damage Caused

Dry indented patch on fruit and subsequent rotting

Method of control

Chemical sprays at the beginning of flowering stage using malathion baits and fruit fly spray.




Damage Caused

Transmit mosaic virus diseases

Method of control

Control can be done using Dimethoate,Diazinon or Metasystox.


2.6 Harvesting

Harvesting is done when butternut is about 15cm length. Avoid the butternut ripening on the plant as this prevents new flowers from development. Yields can be 10kg per m2. The harvested crop can store up to 3 months in a clean well ventilated room. 




For any comments, please call 0773905305 or email tauzindoga@gmail.com.